Aruba 10G SFP+ to SFP+ 1m DAC Cable

  • Aruba 10G SFP+ to SFP+ 1m DAC Cable
99 Doživotne
Part No.:

Hewlett Packard Enterprise

0.13; DPH: 23%
215.00 EUR
264.45 EUR

Podrobnosti o produkte


Popis produktu:

Aruba 10G SFP+ to SFP+ 1m DAC Cable
Aruba Limited lifetime warranty
*Aruba’s Hardware Limited Lifetime Warranty is applicable to a subset of Aruba hardware products, detailed at “Lifetime” is defined as the period beginning on the Aruba shipment date and ending five years following Aruba’s hardware end-of-sale date. Aruba warrants to its end users that for the Lifetime of the covered hardware product purchased by such end user, the hardware product will substantially conform to Aruba’s published technical documentation as provided by Aruba with the hardware product. Except as otherwise proscribed by applicable law, in the event of a breach of this Hardware Limited Lifetime Warranty, the sole and exclusive remedy, and Aruba’s sole and exclusive liability, will be for Aruba to use commercially reasonable efforts to repair or replace the hardware product that caused the breach of this warranty. If Aruba cannot, or determines that it is not practical to, repair or replace the returned hardware product, then the sole and exclusive remedy and the limit of Aruba’s obligation will be to refund the amount received by Aruba for such hardware product. The Hardware Limited Lifetime Warranty is provided to the original end user only and is not transferrable. For additional information, please refer to the Aruba Product Warranty Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document located at:

Stránky o produkte:

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