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Gembird Lithium-ion 18650 battery, protected, 2600 mAh

  • Gembird Lithium-ion 18650 battery, protected, 2600 mAh
  • Gembird Lithium-ion 18650 battery, protected, 2600 mAh

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Popis produktu:

Gembird Lithium-ion 18650 battery, protected, 2600 mAh

PROTECTED: The integrated safety board protects the cells against overload, short circuit and deep discharge, so the battery is better protected against incorrect usage, which guarantees a longer lifetime without worries.
VERSATILE: Perfect for use in a wide range of high power devices.
DURABLE: Low self-discharge and good for many charging cycles. Because of the low self-discharge, the battery will keep its energy for a long time, even when not in use

3.7 V rechargeable Lithium-ion 18650 battery
Provides long lasting energy with very low self-discharge
Integrated protection PCB protects against overload, short circuit and deep discharge
Suitable for use in e.g. LED torches, laser pens, etc.
Note: because of the protection PCB the battery is approx. 3 mm longer than most unprotected 18650 Li-Ion batteries.

Nominal voltage: 3.7 V
Capacity: 2600 mAh
Over-charge voltage limit: 4.3 ±0.05 V
Over-discharge voltage limit: 2.4 ±0.1 V
Continuous discharge rate: 3.0 A
Max. Peak discharge rate: 5.0 A
Operating temperature: charge 0~45 °C, discharge –20~60 °C
Storage temperature: -20~45 °C
Storage voltage: 3.7 - 3.85 V
Maximum constant charging current: 2000 mA
Dimensions: diameter 19.5 mm, height: 70.5 mm
Net weight: 47.5 g

System requirements
Attention : Rechargeable Li-ion batteries should be handled with the greatest care by persons who are aware of the dangers of incorrect use.

Stránky o produkte:

Technické špecifikácie sa môžu meniť bez predošlého upozornenia. Obsah aktuálneho balenia sa môže líšiť v závislosti od dátumu predaja. Obrázky majú len informatívny charakter.




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Recepcia: + 421 55 321 65 11




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+421 2 321 65 777

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