MIKROTIK 6-speed RJ-45 module for up to 10 Gbps

  • MIKROTIK 6-speed RJ-45 module for up to 10 Gbps

 Na objednávku 

24 Mes.
Part No.:


0.02; DPH: 23%
59.00 EUR
72.57 EUR

Podrobnosti o produkte


Popis produktu:

This unique module opens up a whole world of high speed connectivity possibilities, offering up to 10 Gbps speeds over regular familiar twisted-pair cables in your existing products that have SFP+ ports. Any MikroTik device with active cooling that has SFP+ ports can now be used without installing any optical fiber, just plug the S+RJ10 and your network can be upgraded to 10 Gbps, making it ready for the next generation of RJ45 hardware.

S+RJ10 module is supported also on devices with passive cooling, but may require an extra cooling.
The latest revision of S+RJ10 contains "/r2" by the end of serial number. It comes with following improvements:

- Jumbo frames up to 10218 Bytes are now supported for rates 2.5Gbps, 5Gbps and 10Gbps;

- Link speed reporting is fixed - actual link speed in the interface menu is listed. Previously 100M/1G/2.5G/5G link speeds were not reported correctly;

- DDM monitoring (Supply Voltage, Module temperature) is now supported.

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