PLATINUM TOOLS Professional Tone and Probe Kit with Belt Pouch

  • PLATINUM TOOLS Professional Tone and Probe Kit with Belt Pouch

 Na objednávku 

24 Mes.
Part No.:

T3 Innovation

0.13; DPH: 23%
125.00 EUR
153.75 EUR

Podrobnosti o produkte


Popis produktu:

The Platinum Tools Professional Tone and Probe kit gives technicians a high powered tone generator with alligator clips and a high quality tone tracing probe. The ToneMaster high-powered tone generator enables signal detection over 20 miles away and makes tracing through walls and enclosures easier with multiple tones and power levels suited for network, signal wire, coax, and telephone cable applications.

Four tone amplitude levels include normal and half, high-powered normal and half, with the half amplitude unbalanced for stronger signal effect on twisted pairs. In addition, depending on test requirements, three distinctly different tones can be selected from the front panel.

Paired with the ToneSeeker tracer the ToneMaster makes easy work of tracing and locating cables and cable ends. This kit also includes a No-Fault, RJ12 cable to connect your ToneMaster to either RJ11 or RJ45 jacks and a Tone and Probe Belt Pouch to easily store your ToneMaster and ToneSeeker.

Kit Includes:

   ToneMaster™ High Powered Tone Generator
   ToneSeeker™ Tone Tracer Probe
   No Fault, RJ12 Cable (connects to RJ11 and RJ45 jacks)
   Coax Toning Cable
   RJ45 Coupler
   Tone and Probe Belt Pouch

Zaradenie produktu


Stránky o produkte:

Technické špecifikácie sa môžu meniť bez predošlého upozornenia. Obsah aktuálneho balenia sa môže líšiť v závislosti od dátumu predaja. Obrázky majú len informatívny charakter.

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